Infant, young child and maternal nutrition project



 The Infant, young child and maternal nutrition project in Kaberamaido district is aimed at mainstreaming

health and nutrition into the health care delivery system and to support and facilitate functionality of Village Health Teams in the four sub counties of Kaberamaido district. The project objective is to improve the nutritional status of the most vulnerable rural population in the four sub counties on Anyara, Ochero, Otuboi and Kaberamido. This involves strengthening the capacity of the health care system at both community and facility level to deliver essential nutrition action as an integral part of the existing public health services (ANC, delivery, PNC and IMCI) for women and children. Funded by UNICEF


Using private healthcare entrepreneur

Private Healthcare entrepreneurs to provide earlier, faster and cost effective primary healthcare services and disseminate preventive and promotive health information at the local level through Family Healthcare Centre (FHC).

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Village Health Groups as a gateway

Village Health group (VHG) is a membership association owned and managed

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Towards An AIDS Free Generation-Starting with the Children in Uganda (2015/2017)

In this project we aim to reduce the number of children ‘dropping out’ of the PMTCT cascade ánd increase the number of children on ART.

We will do this in a 3-fold approach:

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Access to sustained care and treatment services

HNU works with the local government health care centres as well as private / NGOs to further scale-up ART and ensure facilities are operational in hard to reach places and developing community referral system. HNU promotes the link with the local government health units to ensure improved access to the inexpensive medicines needed to treat common infections and helped improve access to treatment among the affected and infected vulnerable communities.

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Copyrights HEALTH NEED UGANDA 2024

Kenneth Lumala